We recently came across a video (1) about a guy (named Eric) who successfully regrew new hair on his receding hairline, especially his temples (Go straight to the how-to recipe).

If you are looking for male or female receding hairline natural treatment due to thinning, you will find this hair loss success story very useful!

female receding hairline temples natural treatment

Right below, you will have every detail that he used to stimulate hair growth, along with before and after photos.

His story

Just like anyone with hair loss concerns, Eric wasn’t very happy with his receding hairline (both a little on frontal area and a lot on the temples).

After doing extensive research on natural ways to help grow hair back, he came across 2 simple items for his receding hairline treatment.

What are these 2 items that gave him visible new hair growth? Lavender oil and a derma roller.

What’s the result?

His before and after photos show significant improvements. You can clearly see new baby hairs growing along the receding hairline temples.

The better news? It only took him 2 months to see results!

Success recipe – What did he do to regrow thinning hairline naturally?

Here are specific details on what he did to reverse receding hairline natural way.



  1. Comb your hair
  2. Use a hairband to pull all your hair back
  3. Gently push the derma roller on the thinning spot
  4. Start rolling the derma roller on the area front to back
  5. Change the direction to side to side (the area will be red, which indicates extra blood flow)
  6. Once finished using the derma roller, directly apply lavender oil onto the area
  7. Rub the oil into your scalp with fingertips using a circular motion for full absorption
  8. Leave it overnight
  9. Rinse it well next morning

How long?

Do it 5 days a week for 2 months to see new hair growth

Anything else to keep in mind?

Once a week (when he wasn’t derma rolling the thinning spot), he applied aloe vera (this is the brand he used) to moisturize and soothe the skin. He said this also helped him from any scarring issues.


Consider dilution: First, while he directly applied the lavender essential oil to the thinning area as well as receding hairline, the general recommendation is always to mix with carrier oils. Use our essential oil dilution chart.

Occasional bleeding: Next, he says it’s normal to see occasional bleeding. Just don’t push it too hard to totally puncture your skin

Sanitize a dermal roller: After using the derma roller, either soak it in a hot water or alcohol to kill any bacterial growth and prevent future skin infections

Other tips

He says that once you see new hairs growing on the area, you have to be extra careful.

Because the roller can accidentally pull your hair, he recommends to reduce the frequency of using the derma roller.

His final words

He mentions that he actually didn’t believe it when he first started. But as soon as he saw ‘small hair growing next to hairline’, he kept going.

He says “It also takes works. Don’t expect the overnight result.”

Final takeaway

Receding hairline is not a male-only problem. In fact, Female receding hairline temples are one of the big concerns for women as young as early 20s. If you are having the same issue with hair thinning at temples or frontal area, try this natural treatment. BUT, to be on the safe side, we strongly suggest to dilute lavender essential oil with olive oil or jojoba oil.

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