We came across a thread on reddit with amazing hair thickening before and after photos and had to share it with you!
No photoshop or hair fibers involved… and there was no waiting involved. This is the power of a good thickening product with instant results!
Let’s first start with the photos, then we will share the specific products he used for his daily thickening routine as well as some of his tips.
Photos: The power of hair thickening products for fine hair
He shares his daily hair thickening routine. You can see his amazing benefit.
(Before) Before he applies anything onto his hair

As you can see above, he has androgenic alopecia – diffused hair thinning and fine hair. He took this photo right after washing his hair.
(In Progress) Step 1 – Applying thickening spray on wet hair
This photo is taken right after using Andalou Organics thickening spray on his wet hair. He said after spraying, he brushes it back at an angle.
(In Progress) Step 2 – Applying thickening gel + blow drying
He then applies Alba Botanica hair gel and blows his hair dry using a cool setting for about 45 seconds or so. While blow drying, he also brushes his hair until it’s almost dry.
(In Progress) Step 3 – Reapplying thickening spray & done!
As a final touch, he once again sprays his hair with the same thickening spray from step 1 and then lets his hair air dry.
In the photo you can see his hair under the light. Even with the light (which always highlights how thin and fine your hair is), his hair looks pretty thick! When you compare the first photo to this one, the transformation is mind-blowing!
(After) It gets even better!
This is a final photo – 8 hours later. He says that after a few hours, the texture becomes more noticeable, making it a lot thicker.
Before and after recap
The above shows before and after photos side by side. The before photo is when he just washed his hair. The after photo is after his daily thickening routine). It’s one of the best hair thickening results we came across by far!
Before and after photos – With or without his thickening products
In addition, he also shared his normal hair without any thickening products applied.
Here are before and after comparison photos (with or without his hair thickening spray and gel):

What hair thickening products did he use?
Here are the specific hair thickening products he used to get the amazing results:
Andalou Organics thickening spray: He uses this spray twice – right after washing his hair and as a final touch.
Alba Botanica hair gel: He uses this thickening gel right before he starts blow drying his hair in a cool setting.
If you are looking for hair thickening products for fine hair, these are definitely worth trying!
His thickening tips
Gel holds the hair strands better
He adds that the reason he prefers gel over moose or other thickening products is because it holds the hair much better. He also says he likes this gel because there is no alcohol in the formula.
Hair dryer boosts the thickening effects
He believes blow drying his hair plays a big role in addition to the thickening products he is using. He says even without using the spray, the thickening gel and blow drying alone makes a significant difference when it comes to creating thicker looking hair.
Final takeaway
For women (or men) with fine hair, hair thickening products are usually a necessity.
If you’re using them, just make sure to avoid applying the thickening spray or gel directly on your scalp (as much as possible). The last thing you want is to coat your scalp with hair styling products, which will interfere with healthy hair growth.